The exact fit for you - our mutual funds
The exact fit for you - our mutual funds

This where all the threads come together, where the many are combined into a single whole. We turn chaos into ordered structure.


Mutual funds


But precisely to your taste


If you're looking for something financially tasty you'll find that our investment solutions are exactly what you want. Our mutual funds are actively managed mixed or equity funds invested with a highly promising opportunity/risk profile. All PRISMA mutual funds are managed subject to the absolute prerequisite of asset preservation and target returns. The fund management team directs the fund allocation and/or the investment rate flexibly and at a high performance level.

Our asset management is not designed on the basis of fleeting fashions. An impressive reflection of that principle can be found in our highly successful mutual fund, the PRISMA Aktiv UI.

With us you will find yourself in excellent company, since our tried and tested investment policy enjoys the trust of one of Germany's biggest non-profit foundations, the Software AG-Stiftung. As an investment boutique run on entrepreneurial lines, we are totally independent and operate exclusively for you and your individual benefit as our customer. Uniquely and directly tailored to your requirements.

You have questions about the funds we offer?

Get in touch with us here.

PRISMA Aktiv UI    PRISMA Asianavigator UI



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